House Sitter   Karen Lopriore

House Sitter Karen Lopriore

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Location:   Atlanta, Georgia

Age:   54

Experience:   10 yr 6 mo

Rank:   star star rate this sitter

About Karen Lopriore:


I am a retired Teacher from Jacksonville, FL where my husband and I have a large home with 2 Beagles.  I also have a condo in Atlanta, GA, 10 minutes from my daughter and grand children.  I spend most of the summer in Atlanta and would be interested in house sitting. I house sat in Washington, DC area 3 years ago and found it a great experience for me and the home owner who had a large dog and a cat to be cared for as well as her home and yard.  She went out of the country for 2 months.  I would be interested in communicating with someone who is in need of these services.

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