House Sitter   Mia Sevestre

House Sitter Mia Sevestre

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Location:   Paris, France

Age:   44

Experience:   4 yr 11 mo

Rank:   star star rate this sitter

About Mia Sevestre:

Dear Owners and Pets,

My name is Mia. I’m a happy and dynamic French and danish house and pet sitter. I work as a designer and Interior designer free-lance so I can work from wherever there is internet when I am not in my office in Paris. 
I have experience in housitting and Dogsitting and I love the possibility of living local while traveling or just spending some time elsewhere and taking care of lovely and caring pets.
I have a little dog that I like to take with me if possible. It’s a 5 months bichon maltais make dog. I can also do some different other things like welcoming guests etc. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

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