House Sitting Opportunity.   Ficulle(tr), Italy

House Sitting in Ficulle(tr), Italy

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Location:   Ficulle(tr), Italy

Assignment Description:

Seventh heaven is in need of 2 reliable housesitters from appr. Early January to early March 2017. The end date can be fixed by mutual consent. 

Unfortunately our very old cat, Noor, the queen of Umbris, recently passed away on the age of over 18. So there will be no animals to feed nowadays.
The main tasks left are keeping an eye on our property and warning us, when something is wrong. Although it is unlikely during the winter, you may be will have to be a stand-in for us in extending a warm welcome to paying guests. Until now we don`t have any bookings. 
In case you are hands on type of persons and not afraid to get your hands dirty, we would be happy if some agreed works are done, when we will return after our stay in the UK and Holland. There is always work to do, especially in the garden.

We normally like to have the housesitters around some time before leaving in order to let them settle down, to give a possibility for questions etc. We will not hamper each other, because the property is large and we will live in different houses. We offer you a fully equipped apartment. Our property - with its stupendous views and caves made by the Etruscans - will offer you a heavenly rest, peacefulness and inspiration to write, compose or practise other forms of art. It really is a heaven on earth. It is in the midst of Etruscan civilisation, near to Orvieto with its famous gothic Cathedral. There are loads of interesting tiny cities and villages in the nearness. Rome as well as Florence you can reach by train (1 resp. 1,5 hrs). 
Technical and some gardening skills are in favour and you will have to provide for your own car.